Intellectual property

Intellectual property means the rights resulting from intellectual activities in industrial, scientific, literary and artistic fields. There are two reasons for the protection of these rights. The first is to define moral and economic rights of creators in their creations and the rights of the public to access these creations. The second is to promote creativity, dissemination and application of the results of these creations and to encourage fair trading which shall contribute to economic and social development.
The most frequent counterfeit goods are products of fashion and textile industry as well as everyday consumable goods such as batteries, chargers, cosmetic products and products for personal care, electronic and household appliances, toys, food, pesticides and medicines. The major channel for dispatching counterfeit goods is the Internet.
Measures taken by customs authorities
The Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia controls the goods from third countries entering the customs territory of the Republic of Slovenia. If customs authorities performing a control of goods suspect that goods may infringe an intellectual property right (e.g. trademark), they may detain such goods and inform thereof the importer and the holder of the right e.g. holder of trademark or model. The continuation of the procedure depends on the consignee. If the consignee agrees with the destruction of the goods (because they are counterfeit goods), they shall be destroyed under customs supervision, or else the holder of the right must prove before court that his rights were infringed.
Goods established to infringe intellectual property rights are destroyed as a rule.

Did you know?
Low prices, unusual itinerary or websites advertising numerous trademarks may imply that goods are not original.