Any natural person who disposed of securities, other holdings or investment coupons (in Slovenia or abroad) in the previous year must submit a form entitled "Personal income tax return form SI for profit from disposal of securities, other holdings and investment coupons" to the competent financial office by 28 February. Please note that the form must be submitted on the Slovenian form SI.
Did you effect more than 10 transactions in the previous year?
Taxable persons are obliged to file their tax return electronically via the eDavki system if they effected more than 10 transactions, i.e. acquisitions and taxable disposals in the previous year. Taxable persons who performed up to 10 taxable transactions involving such capital may file their tax return on paper or on the prescribed form via the eDavki system.
Profit or loss?
A tax return must be filed regardless of whether an individual disposed of securities at a profit or at a loss. However, if more than one share is sold in the same calendar year, in certain cases loss may be offset against profit.
Payment of tax
On the basis of a tax return, a tax authority issues a decision on the amount of the assessed personal income tax on capital gains by 30 April. The time limit for the payment of tax is 30 days from the service of the decision.
The tax base for the capital gains tax is the difference between the value at disposal and the value at acquisition.
Normalised expenses - in force until 2019:
The purchase price of capital at acquisition is increased by 1% of normalised expenses and the value at disposal is reduced by normalised expenses of 1% .
Normalised expenses - in force since 2020:
The tax base on capital gains is the difference between the value of capital at the time of disposal and the value of capital at the time of acquisition. When the difference between the value of capital at disposal and the value of capital at acquisition is positive, the tax base is established as the difference reduced by normalised expenses associated with the acquisition and disposal. Normalised expenses associated with the acquisition and disposal are recognized up to a maximum amount not exceeding:
- the sum of 1% of the purchase price at acquisition and 1% of the value at disposal, or
- positive difference between the value at disposal and value at acquisition.
The tax rate is 25% (for 2020 and 2021 it was 27.5%; until 2019 it was also 25%). Capital gains tax rate depends on the period of ownership of the capital in question. It is reduced after every five years of capital ownership, as presented below:
| Until 2019 | For years 2020 and 2021 | For year 2022 |
After the first 5 years of ownership: | 15% | 20% | 20% |
after 10 years of ownership: | 10% | 15% | 15% |
after 15 years of ownership: | 5% | 10% | No tax is charged. |
after 20 years of ownership: | No tax is charged. | No tax is charged. |
The capital gains tax must be paid to the state budget through the transitional tax account, i.e. state budget sub-account no. SI56011008881000030, payment reference code SI19 DŠ-41009.
Income tax from income from capital is considered as the final tax.

Example of the calculation
Example of the calculation in the case of an individual who bought shares for EUR 1,000 in 2012 and sold them for EUR 1,200 in 2021. Since the difference between the value of the capital at the time of disposal and the value of the capital at the time of acquisition is positive (EUR 200), the final tax base is established as the difference reduced the normalised expenses associated with the acquisition and disposal of capital (the sum of 1 % of the cost of the capital and 1 % of the value of the capital at the time of the disposal). As nine years have passed since the purchase, the tax rate is 15%:
((1.200,00 EUR – 1.000,00 EUR) – (12,00 EUR + 10,00 EUR)) X 15 % = (200,00 EUR – 22,00 EUR) X 15 % = 26,70 EUR.
How to file a tax return?
The form may be sent electronically through the eDavki portal:
- without digital certificate (registration with a user name and password)
- with a digital certificate
The paper form may be delivered in person or sent by mail to any financial office except to the General Financial Office and to the Special Financial Office.

Example of a completed form
List of events based on which the tax form given below is completed.
P: acquisition
O: disposal
P1: 30. 5. 2005: capital contribution (A), share 10%, face value of share capital is EUR 2,450.00.
P2: 15. 11. 2011: purchase of a share (B), newly acquired share 10%, face value of share capital is EUR 2,450.00, purchase price is EUR 57,000.00.
P3: 16. 11. 2011: purchase of a share (B), newly acquired share 8%, face value of share capital is EUR 1,960.00, purchase price is EUR 50,000.00.
Face value of total share capital is EUR 24,500.00 (two shareholders-natural persons: the first shareholder: 28% share (face value: EUR 6,860); the second shareholder: 72% share (face value: EUR 17,640).
O1: 25. 4. 2021: shareholder with a 28% share sells a 9% share in the company or 32.1429%* of his share in the company for the value at disposal of EUR 81,700.00.
*9% of EUR 24,500.00 is EUR 2,205.00
(EUR 2,205.00 / EUR 6,860.00) * 100 = 32,1429%
Tax return form for profit from disposal of securities and other holdings and investment coupons SI

Minors must also declare capital gains that are paid in their name. In such cases, a tax return is signed by one of the parents.
For shares obtained by means of ownership transformation certificates, no tax return is filed at the time of the first disposal.