
We encounter chemicals almost everywhere – in food, textile, medicines and other items intended for everyday use. The use of cleansing products, colours, polishes and of furniture, electrical appliances, clothes and footwear made from chemicals is on our everyday agenda. Chemical industry manufactures products many of which are of vital importance for satisfying the needs of a modern man. Consequently, chemical industry is considered to be one of the most important and perspective lines of business. However, as such, it is a severe polluter of the environment, which has been its huge disadvantage for ages. Due to the mentioned fact, the legislation in force demands from the producer, importer and trader of chemicals to ensure that the chemicals have no negative effect on the environment and the human health.
Customs authorities are competent to control dangerous substances only upon their export. According to Article 19 of the Regulation 649/12, which is very important for the performance of control, exporters of chemicals subject to the obligations set out in the regulation must provide the applicable reference identification numbers in the customs declaration. Exporters obtain the mentioned identification number from the authority competent for chemicals upon lodging an export notification.
Customs authorities check the validity of the reference identification number in the ePIC database. They allow the export only if this number is active. Furthermore, if the combination of the identification number and the country of destination / import does not exist, customs authorities do not authorize the export procedure.
EU legislation
- Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 concerning the export and import of hazardous chemicals