Taxable persons prepay their tax by instalments during the tax period. Taxable persons must submit a return for the previous tax period by no later than 31 March of the current period and determine the difference between the paid instalments and the total tax liability according to the submitted tax return.
Taxable persons taking up their activities must calculate the provisional tax prepayment themselves by taking into account the tax base amount set for the tax year for which the provisional tax prepayment is to be made. Together with the application for tax registration, taxable persons must submit a reasoned calculation of the estimated tax base, the amount of tax prepayment and tax prepayment instalments to the tax authority within eight days of entry in the tax authority's official records. The calculation is submitted on the form Prepayment of income tax and self-employment income tax or on the Corporate income tax return; only those fields needed to appropriately indicate the tax base amount, the preliminary income tax prepayment and tax prepayment instalments should be completed.
The tax prepayment must be made in monthly or quarterly instalments. The tax prepayment is payable on a monthly basis when the prepayment amount exceeds EUR 400 or on a quarterly basis when the prepaid amount is not in excess of EUR 400. Tax prepayment instalments fall due for payment on the last day of the period to which they refer and must be paid within ten days after maturity. Example: The instalment for April is due for payment on the last day of the month and must be paid by 10 May.
The income tax prepayment must be made to the state budget through the transitional tax account, i.e. state budget account no. SI56011008881000030, payment reference code SI19 DŠ-40002.
The corporate income tax must be paid to the state budget through the transitional tax account, i.e. state budget account no. SI56011008881000030, payment reference code SI19 DŠ-80004.