Who can apply for a BTI?

Any person who intends to perform customs formalities and wants to ensure legal security regarding the calculation of duties by correctly classifying goods into the customs nomenclature can apply for a BTI.
Where to apply for a BTI?
An application for binding tariff information can be lodged at the competent customs authority in the Member State where that person is established or at the competent customs authority in the Member State where a BTI shall be used. A list of customs authorities designated by Member States for the purpose of receiving applications or taking decisions relating to BTI was last published in the Official Journal of the European Union C 110 of 23. 3. 2018. The authority competent to receive BTI applications in Slovenia is the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.
A BTI application
A person should submit an application for binding tariff information through the EU Trader portal.
How to access the EU Trader portal in Slovenia:
User manual of the EU trader portal SI
Germany, Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Croatia and Poland host a national BTI system and offer a national trader portal: