Who can apply for a BOI?

Any person who intends to perform customs formalities and wants to ensure legal security regarding the determination of the origin of goods can apply for a BOI.
Where to apply for a BOI?
An application for binding origin information can be lodged at the competent customs authority in the Member State where that person is established or at the competent customs authority in the Member State where a BOI shall be used. The authority competent to accept BOI applications in Slovenia is the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, General Financial Office, 55 Šmartinska cesta, 1001 Ljubljana.
An application for a BOI application
The application form for a BOI is not prescribed, however, all information must be provided in order to determine the origin of goods. A BOI application is submitted in the Slovenian language. Common data requirements for applications and decisions are laid down in Annex A of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446. Data (mandatory, optional) which an application for a BOI decision must contain are the following:
- 1/1 – A BOI application / decision code type (mandatory),
- 1/2 – Signature / verification (mandatory),
- 2/1 – Other applications and decisions relating to binding information held (mandatory),
- 2/2 – Decisions relating to binding information issued to other holder (mandatory),
- 2/3 – Legal or administrative procedures pending or handed down (mandatory),
- 2/4 – Attached documents (mandatory),
- 3/1 – Applicant (optional),
- 3/2 - Applicant identification (mandatory),
- 3/3 – Representative (optional),
- 3/4 – Representative identification (mandatory if the applicant is represented),
- 3/6 – Contact person responsible for application (mandatory),
- 4/1 – Place (mandatory),
- 4/2 – Date (mandatory),
- 4/3 –Place where main accounts for customs purposes are held or accessible (this information is not required if the applicant is an authorised economic subject; it is required only if the country is other than that given in 3/2),
- 5/1 – Commodity code of the goods (mandatory),
- 5/2 – Description of the goods (mandatory),
- 7/1 – Type of transaction – import or export transaction (mandatory),
- 8/4 – Samples etc. – samples, photos, brochures, other documents (mandatory),
- 8/5 – Additional information (optional for the applicant: data which the applicant can submit),
- III/1 – Legal basis (mandatory),
- III/2 – Composition of the goods (mandatory),
- III/3 – Information enabling the determination of origin (mandatory),
- III/4 – Indicate which data should be treated as confidential (mandatory),
- III/7 – Ex-works price (mandatory if required for the determination of the origin).