About accessibility
At the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, we aim for everyone who visits our websites and uses our mobile apps to feel welcome and have a good user experience.
As we want our websites and mobile apps to be used by all types of users, the design of the websites and mobile apps is adapted for use by the blind and partially sighted, the deaf and people suffering from dyslexia or comprehension disorders.
The Financial Administration has undertaken to enable access to its websites and mobile apps in accordance with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act and EU Directive 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
To ensure a positive user experience of our websites and mobile apps for all users, the Financial Administration followed the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines in their design. The latter are a collection of guidelines and standards whose main purpose is to achieve greater accessibility of online content and mobile apps for vulnerable groups.
This accessibility statement applies to the following Financial Administration websites and mobile apps:
- Financial Administration website – https://www.fu.gov.si/
- eTaxes (eDavki) portal –
- eCustoms (eCarina) portal – https://ecarina.carina.gov.si/wps/portal/ecarina
- miniCashRegister (miniBlagajna) website – https://miniblagajna.fu.gov.si/
- eTaxes mobile app (
Google Play, App Store)
- Check Your Receipt (Preveri račun) mobile app ( Google Play, App Store)
- miniCashRegister mobile app ( Google Play)
Compliance status
The Financial Administration’s websites and mobile apps are fully compliant with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act.
Range of accessibility services
The website lets you choose:
- the colour theme,
- the font,
- the font size, and
- bold font.
The content is equipped with navigation showing the user's location in the website (known as a breadcrumb trail).
Users suffering from dyslexia can switch between serif and non-serif fonts.
For the deaf and hard of hearing, information is also available in sign language.
Inaccessible content on the Financial Administration’s websites and mobile apps
The following content cannot be accessed due to the disproportionate burden incurred in its production:
- For vulnerable groups, videos with sign language, audio and subtitles have been created for all life events relating to individuals. There are 71 such events. However, there are no films pertaining to other content, such as the business events of legal persons, e-services and other tax matters. The reason for this is the disproportionate burden it would put on the authority. The authority considers a disproportionate burden to be significant financial consequences for the authority if all content were to be translated into sign language as the scope would be too great. Furthermore, most of the content is subject to change and it would be difficult to ensure that translations into sign language are kept up to date.
- The www.fu.gov.si website contains numerous links connected with the eTaxes and eCustoms service portals that unfortunately cannot fulfil accessibility requirements due to the disproportionate burden. E-services and other features of both portals are sensitively linked with various backend systems of the Financial Administration, the software solutions of other state authorities and the authorities of the European Community as well as other larger business systems. Any adaptations made to sensitive systems such as eTaxes and eCustoms would represent a disproportionate burden both on the Financial Administration and other users (businesses) and increase the risk of problems in ensuring the system's smooth operation. Furthermore, the estimated ratio between costs and benefits for the Financial Administration would substantially exceed the benefit for users with various disabilities. In the future, when introducing major system changes, the latter will be adapted to vulnerable groups as much as possible.
- Not all website images are equipped with descriptions or alternative texts yet.
- The eTaxes mobile app is not adapted for vulnerable groups. We are aiming to complete the adaptation process in 2021.
- The miniCashRegister website and mobile app are not intended for the public in general but specifically for the issue of receipts by entities with a small number of annual receipts. The website and the application enable the issuing of receipts. Access to the closed part of the website and the mobile app also requires a digital certificate. As a result, the website and the mobile app will not be adapted for vulnerable groups.
- Due to the disproportionate burden, the Financial Administration will not provide accessibility for vulnerable groups for the Check Account mobile application. As of 2021, there is no longer a prize game "Vklopi razum, zahtevaj račun!" And thus the application has lost its main purpose of use. The main purpose of using the mobile application was to encourage consumers to send the data from the received invoices to the Financial Administration via the application, which then checked in their systems whether these invoices were really issued and with the correct data. This raised the tax culture. Since there is no longer a prize game, thus significantly reducing the sending of invoices to the Financial Administration, the cost of adapting the application for vulnerable groups would be a disproportionate burden, given the benefits that the adaptation would bring to the Financial Administration. Of course, the consumer, a member of a vulnerable group, in case of doubt about the correctness of the issued invoice, can send it to the representative of the Financial Administration for review in the manner described in the next chapter "Accessible alternatives".
Accessible alternatives
All the information available on the Financial Administration’s websites and mobile apps can be obtained:
- from the call centre at 08 200 1001 (for individuals) or 08 200 1003 (for business entities),
- by e-mail at gfu.fu(at)gov.si,
- in person at financial offices: https://www.fu.gov.si/kontakti/kontaktni_center_furs/#c6535,
- assistance with completing tax returns and other applications for vulnerable groups is provided by Stojan Glavač, an employee of the Financial Administration, who can be contacted by telephone at (01) 478 2787 or e-mail: mediji.fu(at)gov.si,
- queries regarding receipt verification can be addressed to Stojan Glavač, an employee of the Financial Administration, who can be contacted by telephone at (01) 478 2787 or e-mail: mediji.fu(at)gov.si.
Website publication date
- The portal fu.gov.si with its existing design was published on 22 September 2020.
- The portal fu.gov.si with its existing design was published on 30 August 2018.
- The portal edavki.durs.si with its existing design was published on 9 July 2018.
- The eCustoms portal with its existing design was published on 6 February 2016.
- The miniCashRegister mobile app with its existing design was published on 29 December 2016.
- The Check Your Receipt mobile app with its existing design was published on 16 December 2015.
- The eTaxes mobile app with its existing design was published on 21 December 2018.
Creation of this accessibility statement
This statement was written on 23 September 2020.
The method referred to in the first indent of point (a) of Article 3(1) of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1523 – self-assessment of the public sector body – was used.
This statement was last reviewed on 19 April 2021.
Feedback and contact information
Notifications of non-compliance and queries about information and content that do not fall within the Directive's scope of application can be sent to gfu.fu(at)gov.si. Notifications or queries will be answered within eight days from receiving such notification or query. If, based on the relevant content, the appropriate response cannot be provided within this timeframe, you will be notified of when you can expect a response and of the reasons for the delay.
Supervision of the implementation of provisions of Articles 5 through 8 of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act is conducted by information society inspectors.
Enforcement procedure
In the event that you find deviations from the provisions of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act, you can submit a report to the inspectors for the information society by ordinary or e-mail to the address: gp.uiv(at)gov.si.
The enforcement authority for any proceedings
Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia
Information Society and Informatics Directorate
IT Security Division
Tržaška cesta 21
1000 Ljubljana